Attention Customers and Friends.

Our shop will be closed until May 14th while we enjoy our much needed annual vacation.  We are sorry for any inconvience this may cause you.  Rest assured we will be back refreshed and ready to get back at it in May!  Stay Nutty my friends!



All about nuts in San Antonio


Thanks for visiting our site, if you are as into nuts as we are then you'll find the information we provide interesting and the nuts we provide delicious.

About us

We are happy to announce the opening of NutRageous; our internet and corporate sales department. We have expanded to more efficiently handle your corporate needs with regard to client appreciation gifts. We will continue to roast all our nuts daily so you can always expect the freshest nuts possible.
almond icon

Remember: If you have a nut emergency, call us first! 

handful of pistachios

Our nuts

NutRageous Nutty Buddies Too is an owner operated small business. We are available for special events and trade shows in San Antonio as well as the remainder of Texas. We roast our nuts on-site daily. Samples are readily available for tasting at all locations. The deliciously sweet cinnamon/vanilla smell is an added benefit to all show locations. Nutty Buddies Too is a proud "GO Texan" member. We welcome calls from all of our customers and appreciate your feedback. We invite you to try our nuts for yourselves; our upcoming schedule is available on our home page.
pecan nut icon
Macadamia nut icon
pistachio nut icon

Company history

Nutty Buddies Too has been operating in the San Antonio area since 2003. The company originally operated as Nutty Buddies but we have since split into two separate companies with different products and pricing. Visit Nutty Buddies Too at our show locations and ask for the "Show Special". Nutty Buddies Too is happy to announce our addition to the GO TEXAN program sponsored by the Texas Department of Agriculture. As of March 2008 we are a proud GO TEXAN member. We thank all our customers for your continued support! We couldn't do it without you!
handful of pistachios

Customer testimonials

We established this web-site for the benefit of our loyal customers. Our regular customers are consistently asking for our show schedule. Many come to the show locations for the sole purpose of getting some fresh steaming hot nuts! To quote some loyal customers:
"It's like a party in your mouth"
"We live in Houston but were at the Alamo bird show in San Antonio over the weekend.
We enjoyed your nuts so much and would like to get more"
"I had some of the pecans at the Auto Show in Houston! Words can't describe the awesome taste in your Mouth"
Email us to have your comments added to the site.
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